Sigourney United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025






The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church lists one of the responsibilities of the Trustees as: “oversee, maintain, and supervise all local church property.”  The following items are intended to define, but not be an all-inclusive policy by which that will be accomplished for the Sigourney United Methodist Church.


GIFTS:  All gifts to the church larger than $1000, for which the principal is designated to be maintained in perpetuity are received and managed by the Permanent Endowment Committee of the Sigourney United Methodist Church, (see Endowment Committee Policy) all other gifts are received and administered by the Trustees.  The distribution of Memorial gifts is directed by the Memorial Committee which monitors such gifts and makes recommendations to the Trustees for expenditures of memorial funds. (See Standard Operating Policy for Memorial Committee).


Gifts of, or designated for, particular fixtures, equipment, furniture, yard ornaments, plantings or other items will not be accepted unless previously identified by the Trustees as being wanted or needed and compatible with the operation and mission of the church.


CHURCH USE: A Church Use Policy which includes use by non-profit organizations has been previously established, and outlines conditions for use of the facilities, including fees. (See Church Use Policy). 


LOANING: Property and equipment of the church was purchased for use in the church, and due to liability issues and previous unfortunate experience with damages, will not be loaned for use off of the church property.  The electric keyboard and other portable musical instruments and portable sound equipment can be utilized off of church property if accompanied by church members, who will operate and protect the instruments and equipment off site. (See Trustee minutes May 5, 2005 and August 6, 2009).  Off-site use of instruments and sound equipment by members is to be scheduled with the church office staff.

KITCHEN USE:  If the kitchen is utilized during the renting of the facilities (no cooking is allowed on premises except under the supervision of the church UMW organization), all utensils, dishes, glassware, silverware and other items used must be cleaned and replaced as they were found.  Kitchen sinks, counters, etc. shall be cleaned before leaving the kitchen.

PLANTINGS:  Flowerbeds and plantings on church property are maintained by various church small groups and individuals.  The Trustees encourage such groups with the condition that for any new plantings a plan must be submitted and approved before work begins.  Plantings may be annuals or perennials.  No shrubs are to be planted next to the building due to the fact that the roots invade the foundation drains and cause plugging of the drains.  No plantings are to be made within 5 feet of the outside air conditioner unit to assure proper ventilation.


DISPOSAL: Equipment and property, other than real estate, which is damaged, outdated or is no longer needed or useful to the church, will be disposed of by the Trustees.  If the item was a memorial, the family will be notified if possible, to see if they want the item, prior to disposal.  Items which are still serviceable will be sold or offered to members of our congregation or to other churches before disposal.  Any proceeds from sale of items will be returned to the general fund.


Approved by Trustees September 12, 2012.

Approved by Church Council October 17, 2012.

Updated by Trustees October 14, 2015.

Updated by Church Council