Sigourney United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
 Use of 

Sigourney United Methodist Church

Non-Profit Organizations
Church Use Policy for

Non-profit Organizations


The Church Council and Trustees of the Sigourney United Methodist Church have a deep desire for these facilities to be used but not abused.  We have been given this building, and the responsibility for maintaining it, for a specific mission.  The mission of this Church is stated in three parts:  To grow as disciples of Jesus; to reach the unchurched; to make all disciples of Christ.  Every activity that takes place within these walls needs to further one of these three aspects of our mission by promoting Christian ideals or by helping us become more visible in our community.  Usage of the facilities must be scheduled through the church office.   For these organizations, there will be no charge for the use of these facilities and they are available on a first come basis for their meetings and other activities.  Ministries that report directly to the Church Council will have first priority.

Each group or organization is responsible for adequate adult supervision.  If the group includes minor children the personnel who will be directly supervising children shall be familiar with, and comply with the church’s Child Protection Policy.  Supervisors shall complete the church’s Safe Sanctuary training before supervising children within our facilities.  This requirement may be waived if the supervisors have received training through their own organization, which upon review by the Christian Education Chairperson is deemed to be equal to or better than the Safe Sanctuary training.  Such review and waiver shall be documented in writing.

This facility is to be free from tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs at all times.  You are expected to respect and care for this property as if it were your own responsibility. Any damage that is not deemed fair wear and tear will be the responsibility of the group using the facility.  You are asked to put everything back as you found it and leave it at least as clean as you found it.  Tables, chairs, and other church property must remain in the church building.  Musical instruments, sound and video equipment shall be used only if approved church personnel are present and operate the equipment.  Please keep all persons in the area of the building you have agreed to use.


I have read and understand the policy of the Sigourney United Methodist Church. 


   (Organization representative signature)                (Date signed)

Approved, Trustees 10/12/2016                          
Approved, Church Council 10/19/2016