Sigourney United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025





      We invite you to join us for...               


            Worship and Study                      


                 Fellowship and Friendship


                       Ministry and Service 


                             & Prayer and Spiritual Growth 




The covid virus has currently interrupted our regular schedule 
of group activities other than our Sunday morning worship services.
Once we are able, we will resume these ministries:

Sunday morning Sunday School for all ages

UMYF (Youth Group) for 7th through 12th graders

Saturday morning men's prayer group

Other short term weekly small groups & studies

Secret Sisters ministry

United Methodist Women's Group
Whatever your ministry or gift,
we have a place for you to share it.
Prayer Ministries + Music Ministry + Nursing Home Visitation

Vacation Bible School + Acolytes + Flower Coordinators + Ushers

Gardening & Landscaping Volunteers + Sound Team

Video Project Operators + Church Office Volunteers